Other Counsellors and Life Coaches
Other Counsellors and Life Coaches includes jobs like Gambling Counsellor, Grief Counsellor, Life Coach, Sexual Assault Counsellor, and Trauma Counsellor. Occupations in this group may work in call centres.
- The Job
- The Facts
- Related Courses
What the job involves
- Conducts counselling interviews with individuals, couples and family groups
- Assists people in the understanding and adjustment of attitudes, expectations and behaviour to develop more effective interpersonal and marital relationships
- Presents alternative approaches and discusses potential for attitude and behavioural change
- Consults with clients to develop rehabilitation plans taking account of vocational and social needs
- Contributes information, understanding and advice on the learning and behaviour of students, especially those with special needs, and assists parents and teachers in dealing with these needs
- May work in a call centre